
Works - DRGW Foreman Office Car AX2410 [Works_MOW Equipment]

AX2410_01.jpg: DRGW AX2410

Assorted with the MOW sleeper AX2566, MTL distributed this Foreman Office Car AX2410 in Jan. 2004.

We can see both sides of the exact car thanks to emd111 and John Tudek; Photo by emd111 on the webpage and photo by John Tudek on page 110 of the MSCG book. These help us a lot detailing the car.

My work was almost the same to previous AX2566 except plating some windows. This time I painted ladders and stirrups black according to the references. The round base of the chimney was shaved from a 5mm plastic rod. Chimney itself is a Sunrise product. The other smoke stack is a surplus from Tichy MOW car kit.

DRGW AX2402 - AX2411 series Foreman Office Cars:
According to the MSCG, DRGW series AX2402 - AX2411 were converted from troop sleepers built in 1943-44. Besides MSCG, Jan. 1971 Summary of Equipment lists AX2378 - AX2411 as Foreman Office Cars.

Prototype photo of AX2410 by emd111;

The list of parts
MTL#499 55 910,Steel Roof-walks.
GOLD MEDAL MODELS #160-25 Freight Car Ladders
BLMA #60 Drop Grab Irons
Sunrise #N-1001 Smoke Stack
Surplus parts from Tichy "CREW CAR" kit #2703

AX2410_02.jpg: DRGW AX2410




ちなみに、MOW車両はその車番の前にXを冠することが多いが、Rio Grandeでは、今回の車両のようにAXを冠する車両もある。Rules and Regulations of the Operating Department(ルール・ブック)によれば、Xのみを冠する車両は列車の後端から20両目以内に連結しなければならないと定められている。AXを冠する車両にそのような制限はない。Xのみを冠する車両それだけ「弱い」ということだろう。

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