
Paint Shop - 03; Savannah & Atlanta Boxcar 947, part 3 [Works_Boxcars]

ps_sa947_03.jpg SA 947

Here are the data of the car and a belief history of the railroad.

SA 900 - 999 series boxcars:
The SA series 900 to 999 boxcars were built in 1962 by American Car & Foundry.

After the description of UMTRR by George J. Irwin; the SA series 900 to 999 is shown with AAR Designation XM and description "Box" only. The inside length of these cars was 50 feet 6 inches, inside width 9 feet 4 inches, inside height 10 feet 5 inches, outside length 54 feet 6 inches, extreme height 15 feet 1 inch, door opening 9 feet, and capacity 4928 cubic feet or 110,000 pounds. There were 62 cars of the possible 100 in the April 1974 ORER,

Savannah & Atlanta Railway (reporting mark SA), a 142 miles railroad connected Savannah, GA, and S & A Junction near Camak, GA began its history as the Brinson Railway opened in 1907.
In 1917, the entire 142 miles route between Savannah and S & A Junction became Savannah & Atlanta Railway.
In 1951, the railway was sold to the Central of Georgia Railway.
In 1963, along with its parent C of G, SA became Southern Railway subsidiary.
In 1971, SOU merged C of G, SA and Wrightsville and Tennille, to single Central of Georgia Railroad and the name SA vanished. But, the reporting mark was still surviving on ORER and on equipment in at least 1974.

The map below is the part of "Union Pacific Map of the United States" printed in 1971, with the SA route traced by the author.

map_sa.jpg: SA route map

以下に、該当車両の概要、およびSavannah & Atlanta Railwayの簡単な歴史を記す。

SA 900 - 999 series boxcars(George J. IrwinのUMTRRにおける表記に倣って記す):
AAR(Association of American Railroads)による分類:XM
内寸:長手50フィート6インチ、 短手9フィート4インチ, 天井高10 フィート5インチ
外寸:長手54フィート6インチ、 最高高さ15 フィート1インチ、扉開口幅9フィート
容積:4928 立方フィート/110,000 パウンド
製造100両のうち62両在籍(April 1974 ORER)

Savannah & Atlanta Railway
ジョージア州SavannahとCamak近くのS & A Junctionを結ぶ、延べ142マイルのSavannah & Atlanta Railway (reporting mark SA)の起源は、1907年開業のBrinson Railwayにある。名前の通り、大西洋岸のサバンナとアトランタを結ぶことを目的に設立されたが、アトランタへは至らずに終わった。
1917年:Savannah & Atlanta Railway設立。
1951年:Central of Georgia Railwayが買収、子会社化。
1963年:親会社C of GとともにSouthern Railwayが買収、子会社化。
1971年:C of G、SA、Wrightsville and Tennilleの3社を併せたCentral of Georgia Railroadに再編され、SAの名称は消滅。但し、1974年版ORERにはreporting mark SA、およびSA標記の貨車が記載されている。

地図は、筆者の手元にあった1971年発行のUnion Pacificによる全米路線図上で、該当路線をなぞったものである。

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