
ARR Fairbanks [ARR Photo Archives]

arr_01.jpg: Fairbanks, AK, Feb. 15, 2012

大きな地図で見る: street view of the place where I took the photo above

This is a report of our recent trip to Alaska.
Daylight is awfully short and poor here in Fairbanks: it only lights about 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. The photo above was taken at around 1 pm on a cloudy day, from the window of a running bus. What you see is the ARR yard, shop and station in Fairbanks.

As the main purpose of the trip is to see the northern lights (aurora), we attended the group tour using charter flight direct from Japan to Fairbanks. Its only 7 and a half hours fright is very attractive, but the lack of free time prevents me from sufficient rail funning.

According to the article on Dec. 2011 issue of Trains magazine, 30 to 40 percent of ARR (Alaska Railroad) locomotive fleet is stored during the off months. John Combs of “John’s ALASKA RAILROAD WEB PAGE” suggests that “Fairbanks gets only a freight train or two during the day. So just sitting around and waiting for one is not recommended”. What shall I do?

The official ARR site shows freight schedule. According to the schedule, the estimated arrival of the freight train from Anchorage is always on Tuesday. John writes that “The train comes in from Anchorage anywhere from 7 am to 9 am”. Still more, map in the Trains magazine article also indicates that the northbound freight train arrived at Fairbanks on 9:22am, Aug. 30, 2010. So I decided to visit the station on Tuesday morning, yes, the St. Valentines’s Day.

official ARR site;

arr_03.jpg: Fairbanks, AK, Feb. 14, 2012

大きな地図で見る: street view of the same place



この時期は当地におけるオフ・シーズンにあたる。Alaska Railroad (ARR)の貨物量・列車頻度も少ない。Trains誌2011年12月号に掲載されていた、ARRを取り上げる記事によれば、この時期には30〜40%の機関車は車庫で冬眠しているという。極寒の中、いつ来るとも知れない、来ないかもしれない列車を線路端で待ってはおれない。

John Combsというひとのウェブサイトによれば、アンカレッジからの貨物列車が当地に到着するは朝7時から9時の間のようだ。Trains誌記事中の図版によれば、アンカレッジからの列車は朝9時22分に到着、とある。前夜、午前3時くらいまで夜空を見上げていた身には応えるが、ツアー唯一の自由時間である睡眠時間を削って、朝10時くらいに駅に行ってみることにする。


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