
Speed Lettering 22 – Sense of Speed caused by Serifs [Column_Letters & Figures]


In the previous column, I wrote that a troop of horizontal lines with random ends bring the image of speed or move. The short lines on DSS&A logotype were represented as an example.

Works K of “TransPacific Railroad” says that serifs may bring the image of speed. Indeed, serifs of Rio Grande logotype seem to bring the image of speed, and they can be regarded as a troop of horizontal lines with random ends.

But, the serifs are not always horizontal. Capital letters C, E, F, G, L, S, T, and Z have vertical serifs. In addition to this, the arrangement of serifs of regular fonts are apt to line, not in random. So, I may say that horizontal serifs of italic fonts bring the image of speed or move.

As an instance, serifs in italic MONON logotype are all horizontal. But, they lined methodically and are also relatively short as you can see above. They are not so much lines as points.

Serifs in italic L&N logotype are long enough to be recognized as lines. But, they are the mixture of horizontal and vertical lines.

Fortunately, serifs of Rio Grande logotype are all horizontal. Also is that they are relatively long enough to be recognized as lines. And, they have wedge shapes. Accordingly, Rio Grande logotype uses both “wedge shape” and “shadows or blur” effects. I think this is why we call the logotype of Rio Grande as “speed lettering”.

“TransPacific Railroad” web page mentioning “speed lettering” (Japanese only);


このような短い水平線群として、ゴシック体フォントのセリフ(ヒゲ)を挙げることができる。ワークスK氏は、このセリフにスピード感演出の効果があるのではないかと記している。確かに、Rio Grandeのロゴタイプからセリフ部分を取り出すと、それは先端が不揃いな水平線群になる。一方、正体を用いるロゴタイプではセリフが揃ってしまい、線群は不揃いになりにくい。

また、セリフには、「E」や「L」の右側のものなど、垂直線で表されるものもある。先に挙げた7件の斜体を用いるロゴマークのうち、セリフ部分が先端の不揃いな水平線群になるのは、MONONおよびRio Grandeのみである。

セリフ(線)の長さでいうなら、Rio Grandeが圧倒的に長い。MONONのそれは線というよりは点に近い。しかも、Rio Grandeのセリフはくさび形をしている。すなわち、Rio Grandeのロゴタイプは、ふたつの心理的効果を併用している。この辺りにRio Grandeのロゴタイプをspeed letteringと称することが多い理由があるのかもしれない。


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