
McCoy’s Service [Column_Cisco Townsite]

: site of McCoy's Service

mealey's_01.jpg: Cisco, UT. Sep. 11, 2014
mealey's_02.jpg: Cisco, UT. Sep. 11, 2014

I’m trying to duplicate the whole town of Cisco, Utah in N scale. This post introduces one of the structures in the town.

A few businesses survived along US Hwy 50 & 6 at Cisco in the early 70s; 4 gas service stations, a mercantile/cafe, and a motel. Some private houses also seem to exist along Second Street. Between Cisco Mercantile and Ruth 66 Cafe sat this structure at Block 6, Cisco Townsite.

This little rectangular structure is seen in the 1969 USGS aerial photo. This structure also appears in the 1971 movie Vanishing Point along with three red shining gas pumps. In the movie, a string of colorful but rather faded flags stretches from the Ruth 66 Cafe to this structure. But the windows seem freshly boarded up; it looks like went out of business recently.

The construction of the Midland Trail within Grand County was completed in 1913[1]. The Trail became US Hwy 50 in 1926.

Gas service stations opened up at Cisco in those days. The earliest evidence of the existence of such facilities is the advertisement by Cisco Mercantile in a guidebook printed in 1915. The new "sidewalk gasoline pump" was installed in front of the Mercantile in 1917[2].

In 1924, carpenter M. R. Walker was erecting an addition to the Cisco Sevice Station owned by Eva Flo Davis(1900 ー 1986), spouse of former D&RGW agent William Che Davis(1896 ー 1982)[3]. This Station walker was working on seems the origin of McCoy's Service, as the origins of other gas service businesses −Cisco Mercantile, Duke's Service, Cisco Automotive Service, and Ethel's Cafe− are already verified.

In 1927, Eva and William Davis sold the Cisco Service Station to Patrick Franklin Dyer(1861 ー 1936) who owned the Cisco Hotel and a pool hall on Block 6[4, 5].

Ralph Edwin(1902 ー 1982) and Winnaferd Evelyn(1902 ー 1974) Cato succeeded the business no later than 1928. The facilities consisted of the station, a dwelling room attached to the back of the station, and a bungalow in those days[6]. The facilities can be seen in the photo taken by John Barriger III[7].

In 1932, Loyd H. "Bill" Heel(Heal, 1902 ー 1952) of Grand Junction, CO succeeded the by then White Eagle filling Station[8]. But he was charged with liquor possession a month later.

letter_postmarked,cisco.jpg: Cisco Service Station envelope
white-eagle_ad.jpg: Oct. 6, 1932 Times Independent
j&mservice_ad.jpg: Mar. 29, 1962 Times Independent

J. Lowell(1912 ー 1968) and Ruth Maxine Peterson(1918 ー 1999) Mealey came to Cisco in 1956[9]. They started running the J&M CAFE & SERVICE, selling diesel, gas, oil, beer, and food. According to their 1960 advertisement, the business was worth eighty-thousand dollars a year[10].

Teddy D. "Ted"(1935 – 1961) and Jeannie Haeck Johnson succeeded the business in 1961[11]. Unfortunately, however, Ted died accidentally by electrocution the same year[12].

Lloyd Frank(1918 – 1997) and Virginia Labrum Nelson of Mack, CO, the owner of the Fruita Pool Hall, purchased the business in 1963[13]. But whether Nelsons succeeded the business is uncertain.

Ernest Eugene(1923 - 1989) and Ruth Lorene Endicott(1922 – 1986) McCoy of McCoy's Service at Moab purchased the business the same year. Unfortunately, however, Ernest put all of Block 6 up for final tax sale in 1969[14].

The little structure burnt down to the ground on June 22, 1979[15].

I referred to the 1971 movie Vanishing Point and the 1969 USGS aerial photo to draw plans. The result is shown below; of course, some imaginations are included.

revised Jul. 26, 2016
revised Dec. 29, 2016
revised Jan. 31, 2017
revised Feb. 22, 2018
revised Jan. 6, 2020
revised Apr. 16, 2023

[1] Jul. 11, 1913 Grand Valley Times;
[2] Oct. 5, 1917 Times Independent;
[3] Dec. 11, 1924 Times Independent;
[4] Apr. 28, 1927 Times Independent;
[5] Jan. 4, 1923 Times Independent;
[6] Feb. 23, 1928 Times Independent;
[7] John Barriger III photo;
[8] Mar. 3, 1932 Times Independent;
[9] Feb. 20, 1999 Deseret News;
[10] Nov. 20, 1960 Salt lake Tribune;
[11] May 18, 1961 Steamboat Pilot;
[12] May 4, 1961 Times Independent;
[13] May 23, 1963 Times Independent;
[14] May 22, 1969 Times Independent;
[15] Jun. 28, 1979 Times Independent;

mealey's_plan.jpg: references and the drawings of McCoy’s Service
mealey's_elv.jpg: north and west elevations of McCoy’s Service
ユタ州を走るD&RGWの沿線にある/あった、Ciscoという町を紹介している。この建物はRuth’s CafeとCisco Mercantileの間に建っていた「McCoy’s Service Station」である。昨年撮影した写真で見るように、現在は給油ポンプの基礎を残すのみである。

以前、紹介したRuth’s Cafeおよびこのガソリンスタンドこそ、1960年の新聞広告にあるJ&M CAFE & SERVICEであったようだ。1963年にオーナーが替わっているにもかかわらず、その後も旧オーナーの名前を冠した看板がそのままだったことが1970年撮影の映画から分かる。そこで、このガソリンスタンドも旧オーナーの名前を冠した「McCoy’s Service Station」とした。



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