
Reminder of the 70's along Rio Grande 26 – Thompson Springs, Utah [Trackside Utah PA]

thompson_main.jpg: Sego Canyon Rd and Frontage Rd, Thompson Springs, UT Sep. 10, 2017

Thompson (Springs), founded in 1883, is a town in Grand County, with a population of 39 according to 2010 Census.

The town is named after E. W. Thompson, who filed on the water rights of a spring located slightly southwest off the center of town. The town changed its name several times; Thompson’s Springs, Thompsons, Thompson, and recently, Thompson Springs in 1985. The Rio Grande kept calling the depot at Frontage Rd “Thompson”, where Rio Grande Zephyr made a stop. Amtrak California Zephyr also served the town till 1997; the town was the gateway to Moab and the surrounding National Parks.

The map below shows the location of 70’s remnants in Thompson Springs. Introduction for each structure will follow this post.

Thompson (Springs) は1883年に始まる人口およそ40人の町である。名前は、町にかつて湧いていた泉の水利権所有者名に由来する。

Thompson駅には、1997年までAmtrakのCalifornia Zephyrが停車していた。その駅は町の中心部にある。町の中心部を通るFrontage Road(US Hwy 6)沿いにはモーテルやカフェなど、いくつかの70年代の遺物がある。地図は、この町においてこれから取り上げるものの所在を示す。


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