
Thompson Company House [DRGW Facilities PA]

company-house_01.jpg: looking from southwest

This is one of the Rio Grande original structures remaining along its route in Utah; the company house at Thompson.

This structure stands opposite the depot, on the north side of the track. It is a one-story cinder block structure of 26’ x 49’6” (if I count the joints), with hip shingles roof. Four doorways facing three directions suggest the structure's multipurpose. It has no sign or lettering, but the same green paint with the depot barely remains at the eaves shows its origin.

According to the ICC valuation map, this structure was built in 1949 as "Sec. Hse". 1952 USGS aerial photo clearly shows this structure.

According to the long-time Thompson resident AJ Rogers, this structure is called The Apartments, a duplex with two one-bedroom homes for section hands' family. AJ remembers Lucilo (1906 - 1999) and Marie Lena Lina Ramirez (1914 - 1989) Aguilera family occupied the home from the 60s to the 70s; Lucilo was the section hand.

Unfortunately, however, it seems not used by UP today; it is no wonder UP is going to demolish it. Accordingly, I drew plans of the structure referring to the results of my survey to keep some records.

All photos were taken on Sep. 11, 2014.

Postscript; the structure was demolished in January 2016.
revised, Sep. 13, 2016
revised, Mar. 15, 2018
revised, Mar. 4, 2022

company-house_02.jpg: north elevation
company-house_03.jpg: green paint on eaves

company-house_elv.jpg: south and west elevation

ユタ州における元Rio Grande沿線に今も残るRio Grandeの遺物を紹介している。

この建物はThompsonの駅舎の向かいに線路を挟んで建っている。南・西・北の三面に四カ所も扉が設けてあるので、複合用途であったと思われる。Rio Grandeの遺物であることを示す唯一の証は、軒先にわずかに残る、駅舎と同じ緑色のペンキだ。



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