
Sigurd Depot [DRGW Facilities PA]

depot_sigurd_01.jpg: Sigurd, UT Sep. 15, 2014

I’m representing the Rio Grande remnants we found during our vacation in Utah.

This is one of the Rio Grande original structures remaining along its route in Utah; the depot at Sigurd.

According to D&RGW Depots Vol.2 by Clive & David Carter, Sigurd Depot made of wood frame was built in 1920, and was retired in 1978. The book Rio Grande in Color Vol. 2 has a clear 1970 photo of the depot. The depot was once the busiest in the branch, shipping more than 100,000 tons of wallboard a year from nearby plant.

Though the structure is gone, the basement still exists at the original site in the center of cornfield. You can trace the waiting room/office/freight room arrangement of the depot. Old rails used for the floor joists peeping out from the concrete.

All photos taken on Sep. 15, 2014

* 1970 photo of the depot;
* 1976 photo of the depot by Dick Harrison;

depot_sigurd_02.jpg: from the distant: waiting room, office and freight room
depot_sigurd_03.jpg: rails used for the joists peep out from the floor

ユタ州における元Rio Grande沿線に今も残るRio Grandeの遺物を紹介している。これはかつて建っていたRio GrandeのSigurd駅舎の基礎部分である。とうもろこし畑の真ん中に遺っていた。Sigurd駅舎は1920年竣工の木造平屋で1978年に解体されたが、その際この基礎が遺されたようだ。



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