
Grand Junction Industry Trackage – part 4 [Trackside Colorado PA]

gjt_lead_14.jpg: ZTS 775 looking north from the D Rd

Here is one of the Rio Grande original facilities remained along its route in Colorado; industry trackage at Grand Junction.
As of Dec. 4, 2018, Trains News Wire, the introducing of Precision Scheduled Railroading at Union Pacific will be implemented by the middle of 2019. It is already announced that MNYRO/MRONY was switched to tri-weekly MNYGJ/MGJNY since Dec. 2018. These may bring some changes to the local traffic at Grand Junction and its vicinity. Here, I represent my record of the local traffic at Grand Junction and its vicinity as of summer 2017.

A railroad track crosses the D Rd between S 12th St and S 17th St. It’s the industry trackage (2001 Union Pacific Zone-Track-Spot 775, Holsum Bakers) serving several industries. The industry trackage diverts from the Yard Alternate Track (ZTS 103), drawing a semicircle toward the south, crosses the D Rd and reaches several industries.

According to 1960 D&RGW Utah Industry Map, this industry trackage was the contract with Holly Sugar Corporation[1]. Unfortunately, however, the sugar mill was closed and consolidated into the factory at Delta, CO. in 1929; the sugar mill site later became Climax Uranium Mill in 1951. The siding on the west side of the industry trackage was also assigned to the sugar mill as beet holding track (ZTS 776, Beet Holr track), but is ripped up today.

The northernmost industry served by this industry trackage today is the Rockwater Energy Solutions (ZTS 780, Earth Grains, Inc.) established in 2011, providing fluids and environmental solutions[2]. Western Pump & Dredge in 1992, Earth Grains Inc. in 2001, were the successive contractors at this facility. The structure itself was built in 1975[3]. The short industry trackage diverts east to the unloading station.

gjt_lead_15.jpg: ZTS 780 to Rockwater Energy Solutions and ZTS 778 to Alpine Lumber

The rail served industry next to the Rockwater Energy Solutions on the south today is the Alpine Lumber Company (ZTS 778, Boise Cascade).

Independent Lumber established in 1904 is the predecessor of the company[4]. It was sold to Boise Cascade in 1978. But the former Independent Lumber owner established the Alpine Lumber and returned to the facility in 1983[5]. The structure itself was built in 1979[3].

Alpine Lumber prepares 7 car capacity lead diverting east from the industry trackage[6]. It receives boxcars and center beam flatcars of raw materials.

gjt_lead_16.jpg: ZTS 781 looking north from Winters Ave

The rail served industry next to the Alpine Lumber Company on the south today is the Kemper Valve & Fittings Corporation (ZTS 777, Hub Oi St) established in 1965[7]. The structure itself was built in 1979[3]. The industry trackage is intact and the company states the rail access in the company homepage, but the rail traffic is uncertain.

The industry trackage (ZTS 779, Vacant) extends east to Bimbo Bakeries USA established in 1994, the successor of Holsum Bakers, and Hercules Industries Inc established in 1962[8, 9]. The structure of Bimbo was built in 1980 and of Hercules was built in 1976[3]. Unfortunately, however, they seem don’t use the rail.

gjt_lead_17.jpg: ZTS 781 looking south from Winters Ave

The recent end of the industry trackage draws a semicircle toward the east at the south of Winters Ave at Waste Management Inc. (ZTS 781, BFI Recycling) backyard. The preceding contractor was the BFI Recycling Systems according to 2001 Union Pacific ZTS Map.

[1] 1960 D&RGW Utah Industry Map;
[2] Rockwater Energy Solutions company homepage;
[3] City of Grand Junction Business Map;
[4] Aug. 3, 2013 The Daily Sentinel;
[5 Dec. 9, 2015 The Denver Post;
[6] Dec. 7, 2015 The Daily Sentinel;
[7] Kemper Valve & Fittings Corporation company homepage;
[8] Bimbo Bakeries USA company homepage;
[9] Hercules Industries Inc company homepage;
* 2010 photo of HLCX #3856 switching ZTS 778 found at web site;

gjt_lead_29_google-map.jpg: Map of Grand Junction Industries Served by rail

旧D&RGW沿線に今も遺るRio Grandeの遺物を紹介している。

かつては毛細血管のように町中に張り巡らされていた引き込み線も、こんにちでは洋の東西を問わず、見かけることは少なくなってきた。D&RGW本線の中間地点にあたるコロラド州Grand Junctionの町もその例外ではないが、それでもまだ幾カ所か生き残っている。しかし、Union Pacificにおいても、今後Precision Scheduled Railroadingの導入を拡充するとTrains News Wireで報じられていたので、予断を許さない。一昨年、今のうちと考え訪ねてきたのでここで順次紹介する。

この引き込み線は、ヤードの脇から南に分岐する。当初は先に紹介した製糖工場への甜菜が到着していたようだ。現在は、Rockwater Energy Solutions (ZTS 780, Earth Grains, Inc.)という土地改良業者の資材倉庫やAlpine Lumber Company (ZTS 778, Boise Cascade)という建材卸売店、Kemper Valve & Fittings Corporation (ZTS 777, Hub Oi St)という配管資材卸売店に、各々製品・資材がボックスカーやセンタービームフラットカーなどで到着する。

東に分岐する枝線(ZTS 779, Vacant) にはBimbo Bakeries USAやHercules Industries Incという企業の社屋が接しているが、現在貨車の発着はないようだ。引き込み線の終端は、Waste Management Inc. (ZTS 781, BFI Recycling)という廃棄物収集業者のバックヤードの中に消えていく。


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