
Grand Junction Industry Trackage – part 6 [Trackside Colorado PA]

gjt_lead_24.jpg: Mesa Feed & Farm Supply Co. facilities

Here are some of the industries formerly served by the Rio Grande at Grand Junction. The industry trackage is long gone but several structures still retain the memory of their rail-served days.

Mesa Feed & Farm Supply Co. predecessor, Grand Junction Fruit Growers Association Seed Cleaning Plant on the north of S 9th St crossing, was formerly served by rail[1]. According to the Grand Junction Business Map, the structure was built in 1901. Walthers Cornerstone Sunrise Feed Mill maybe the substitute for a layout.

gjt_lead_25.jpg: ConocoPhillips Co. facilities

Structure opposite the Mesa Feed & Farm Supply Co. on the south side of main track was the part of Continental Oil Co. facilities in 1919[1]. According to the Grand Junction Business Map, the structure was built in 1931.

Once, industry trackage diverted from South Bound Industrial Lead served the facilities. A part of the industry trackage (2001 Union Pacific Zone-Track-Spot 771 and 772, Conoco) still remains by the Lead. Continental Oil Co. Successor ConocoPhillips Co. operated the facilities till 2007[2]. Walthers Cornerstone Mission-Style Freight House maybe the substitute for a layout.

gjt_lead_27.jpg: former Grand Junction Fruit Growers Association site
coop crate label.jpg: Cooperative Producers crate label

The Continental Oil industry trackage once extended further west and served Grand Junction Fruit Growers Association, later Cooperative Producers Inc. between 1937 and 1971, packing plant, storage & shipping station[1]. Related industries in this district like American Crate & Basket Co. and the Mesa Flour Mills were also served by rail[3, 1]. According to the Grand Junction Business Map, the silo was built in 1974. Walthers Cornerstone Grain Conveyor maybe the substitute for a layout.

gjt_lead_28.jpg: The Mesa Flour Mills

D&RGW industry trackage and industries I mentioned in this series of posts are shown in the Google Map below: Industry trackage still intact is shown in orange line, rails abandoned are shown in the grey line. Businesses using rail are shown in orange pins, businesses formerly used rail are shown in grey pins.
revised, Apr. 24, 2020

[1] 1919 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Grand Junction;
[2] “Toxic Waste and Media Silence”, Dec. 2010 Red Pill;
[3] D&RGW Utah Industry Maps;
* City of Grand Junction GIS Business Map;

gjt_lead_29_google-map.jpg: Map of Grand Junction Industries Served by rail

旧D&RGW沿線に今も遺るRio Grandeの遺物を紹介している。

かつては毛細血管のように町中に張り巡らされていた引き込み線も、こんにちでは洋の東西を問わず、見かけることは少なくなってきた。D&RGW本線の中間地点にあたるコロラド州Grand Junctionの町もその例外ではないが、それでもまだ幾カ所か生き残っている。しかし、Union Pacificにおいても、今後Precision Scheduled Railroadingの導入を拡充するとTrains Newswireで報じられていたので、予断を許さない。昨年、今のうちと考え訪ねてきたのでここで順次紹介する。

引き込み線こそはがされてしまたものの、かつて貨車が発着していた企業の社屋・施設もいくつか遺っている。駅とヤードの間、本線の北側に隣接するMesa Feed & Farm Supply Co.は飼料卸売店Grand Junction Fruit Growers Association、線路を挟んだ南側の建物はConocoPhillips Co.の社屋だった。ConocoPhillips Co.への引き込み線はその先、Grand Junction Fruit Growers AssociationやThe Mesa Flour Millsなど農産物を出荷する施設まで伸びていた。いずれの建物も、Walthersのキットにありそうな、「いかにも」な姿・形をしている。

これまでに紹介してきた引き込み線・企業をプロットしたGoogle mapのリンクが下の画像である。


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