
ARR tank car 96402, gondola car 95304 and motor car G-774 [ARR Photo Archives]

arr_19.jpg: Fairbanks, AK, Feb. 14, 2012

Our recent trip to Alaska continues.
Other minorities at ARR equipment roster are the maintenance of way equipment.
We found some MOW equipment around the yard and station in Fairbanks. The car in the photo above is one of the 9 cars fleet, ARR 96402 – 96410 series, tank car assigned for “HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL” service. As you can clearly read on the trunk, these cars were filled with water for wildfire suppression and positioned along the mainline during the summer.

John’s web page refers to tank cars;

arr_20.jpg: ARR 96402

arr_21.jpg: ARR 95304

The car in the photo above is believed to be an addition to the 3 cars fleet, ARR 95301 – 95303 series, gondola car assigned for “MECHANICAL” service, described in the Equipment Circular revised in 2008. These cars are the survivors of ARR 13203 – 13649 series, AAR class GB, 40’ gondola cars built in 1943 by Mount Vernon Car for D&RGW. ARR acquired them in 1947. Classical full name lettering and ACI plate represent its years.

John’s web page refers to gondola cars;

The photo below shows a motor car we found in front of the Fairbanks station. It seems to be a display but in fine condition. All the photos were taken on St. Valentine's Day.

arr_22.jpg: ARR G-774


ARR 96402は、ARRに9両ある、“HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENTAL”用の、古いタンク車を転用した車両である。タンク体に大きく記されているように、雪のない間、水を積み沿線5箇所に留置し火災に備えている。

ARR 95304は、2008年版リストにある“MECHANICAL”用事業用貨車3両に、新たに転用追加された古い貨車だと思われる車両である。元をたどれば、1943年製の40’ gondola carで、D&RGWで使われていたものを1947年に取得した。フルネームで記されるロゴやかすかに確認できるACIのマーキングに、この車両のたどってきた歴史をうかがい知ることができる。



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