
Hopper by Rolf G. Renner [Column_Printed Matter]

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Hopper by Rolf G. Renner, 96 pages, Taschen, 2002

Figurative painters select what to paint. There is a selection of the subject in a painting. The selection depends not on their technique but on their philosophies for art. Even the rivet counters have to select what to make and what to give up when modeling. That is, we also have to establish a philosophy for modeling.

But establishing a philosophy is difficult because the first principle of our hobby is not to agonize but to have fun, I think. That is to say, borrowing it might be the shortest way. Thus, I referred to artists’ philosophies in duplicating the whole town of Cisco Utah in N scale. One is of Stephen Shore, and the other is of Edward Hopper.

Edward Hopper(1882 - 1967) is a well known "New Realism" painter. His Painting is not rich in details, but it definitely duplicates the scene he caught. I thought his method is useful in N scale modeling. His way of portraying the light, either sun or electric, might be the key to success.

This book gives an outline of Hopper’s paintings. Many paintings are represented in color. Most of his paintings portray the East. Many railroad oriented paintings like New York, New Haven and Hartford, House by the Railroad, Railroad Crossing, Railroad Sunset and so forth are compiled in this book.

Here are the contents;

06 European Beginnings
20 Pictures of the New World
30 The Frontier of Civilization
44 Man and Nature
64 Self and Other
84 Transformations of the Real: Hopper as Modernist
94 Edward Hopper 1882-1967: A Chronology
96 Notes




エドワード・ホッパー(1882 – 1967)はニューヨークを中心とするアメリカ東部の風景を描いた画家である。ディテールなど描き込まずとも情景はうまくとらえられることを示す、アメリカンリアリズムの旗手。何をどう切り取るかという点において、模型制作においてもその手法に学ぶことは多いと思う。作品のモチーフには鉄道も多く、本書にもいくつか紹介されている。都市の寂寥感を描くといわれるが、筆者には光のとらえ方、特に夜景における影がそれに重要な役割を果たしているように思う。


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