
Monte Vista Depot [DRGW Facilities PA]

monte-vista-lead_01.jpg: Sep. 6, 2017

This is one of the Rio Grande original facilities remained along its route in Colorado; the depot at Monte Vista.

According to Denver & Rio Grande Western Depots Volume 2, Monte Vista depot was first built in 1886 with the one-story frame structure[1]. In 1907, the second depot was built with the one-story brick structure, and in 1947, it was rebuilt and expanded with cinder blocks. Unfortunately, however, it was retired in 1978.

The structure visible in the distance in the photo above is the replica of Rio Grande Southern’s Mancos depot first built in 1953 by Bob Richardson and Carl Helfin for by-then Narrow Gauge Museum & Motel south of Alamosa.
The museum moved to Golden, CO in 1958 and became Colorado Railroad Museum. The structure itself was relocated, sold, and moved to Monte Vista afterward.

The narrow gauge Creede Branch reached Monte Vista in 1881 and was converted to dual gauge in 1901[2]. The line is operated by San Luis & Rio Grande Railroad since 2003. Barley for Coors is the main commodity shipped from Monte Vista since the Rio Grande era to this day.

[1] Carter, Clive (2013) Denver & Rio Grande Western Depots Vol. 2
[2] Holmes, Nathan D., (2009) “D&RG/D&RGW Creede Branch History” DRGW.Net;
postcard_nallow-gauge-museum.jpg: postcard of Nallow Gauge Museum

旧D&RGW沿線に今も遺るRio Grandeの遺物を紹介している。

写真の左遠くに小さく写っているRio Grandeの駅舎によく似た建物は、Rio Grande Southern・Mancos 駅舎のレプリカである。1953年に、後にColorado Railroad MuseumになるNarrow Gauge Museum & Motelとして建てられた建物で、移転・売却を経てSan Luis & Rio Grande RailroadのMonte Vista駅舎として用いられていた。現在はアイスクリーム屋が入居中。

Alamosaを起点とするCreede Branchがここまで到達したのは1881年。Alamosa・Monte Vista間は1901年に三線軌条化されており、現在も上記のSan Luis & Rio Grande Railroadにより貨物列車が運行されている。北に1キロ弱伸びる引き込み線の先にあるサイロから出荷される大麦が主な積荷であることは、Rio Grandeの頃から変わらない。

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