
Speed Lettering 21 – Sense of Speed caused by Effect Lines [Column_Letters & Figures]

efectline.jpg: one of MANGA effect lines
speedline.jpg: one of MANGA speed lines

Psychology tells us that “wedge shape”, “oblique position” and “shadows or blur” bring the image of speed or move to us. We may think that logotypes using italics create the image of speed because they have “wedge shape” and/or “oblique position”

Then, are there any logotypes using the effect of “shadows or blur”?
“Shadows or blur”, or I may say gradation, can be represented by a troop of lines. Japanese MANGA uses such lines, called “effect lines”, to represent many aspects in their frames.

One of these MANGA effect lines is called “speed lines”. It is the unwritten law that the MANGA speed lines represent the move or speed. The characteristics of this MANGA speed lines are that the lines are parallel and have random ends.

Considering the direction of speed or move of trains, the parallel lines for railway equipment should be horizontal. Thus, I may say that the “shadows or blur”, which bring the image of speed or move, for the railroad industry is a troop of horizontal lines with random ends.

Here are the examples (see below):
Logomark of Western Maryland Railway has a troop of horizontal lines with random ends. Italic fonts used for the WM logotype cuts the ends of parallel lines randomly.
Short lines with a negative-positive expression on Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway logotype are also considered as a troop of horizontal lines with random ends.

My column on psychological effects;


: example of a troop of horizontal lines with random ends




漫画における流線の特徴は平行線であること、および、先端が描かれる場合それが不揃いであることである。これと同じ特徴をもつグラフィックに、Western Maryland Railwayのロゴマークにおいて、ロゴタイプの左右に施される線群がある。ロゴタイプが斜体であるため、平行線群の先端が斜めに切れている。つまり、平行線群の先端が不揃いになっている。

鉄道車両における動き・スピード感とは、水平方向のそれだろう。したがって、鉄道車両におけるスピード感をもたらす流線とは、先端が不揃いな水平線群といえるだろう。スピード感をもたらす流線を、先端が不揃いな水平線群と括るなら、Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railwayの貨車に記されるDSSAのロゴタイプにある意匠は、その例として挙げられるだろう。ロゴタイプのところどころに短い水平線がちりばめられている。


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