
Going, Going, Gone part 5 − Jointed Rails and Wood Ties [Column_Tracksides]

carnegie-rail_00.jpg: Rowe, NM. Sep. 13, 2015
rowe_01.jpg: Rowe, NM. Sep. 13, 2015
depot_lamy_05.jpg: Lamy, NM. Sep. 13, 2015

The blog “Boxcar Red Collection” marked the 10th anniversary in February last year, before even I noticed it. Also is that many things are going or gone in this decade before I hardly noticed it. So, let me look back at what we’re missing or missed.
The clickety-clack of the trains is one of the essential elements of our enthusiasm. Have you ever put your ear to the rail in your childhood? However, unfortunately, replacing jointed rails with welded rails bundled it off from us.

The vintage jointed rail tracks left behind at former ATSF’s Raton Pass route are getting an upgrade little by little. As it’s the only major jointed track mainline section left where you can enjoy the rhythm of the jointed rails and wood ties on Amtrak routes, experience it while you can. You can also find several movies on Youtube.

beever_track_01.jpg: Beevers, NM. Sep. 9, 2015
valentine_track_01.jpg: Valentine, TX. Sep. 10, 2015

Wood ties used at mainline tracks are also in the process of replacing. One track of former ATSF's double-track Transcon route got its wood ties replaced with concrete ties at Beevers, NM in 2015. I wonder if the rides are different between the two. In the same year, former SP's Sunset route still kept wood ties at Valentine, TX.

carnegie-rail_06.jpg: Ebisucho, Osaka, Japan Oct. 20, 2015
naniwa_1980_01.jpg: Naniwa, Osaka, Japan. 1980s

Speaking of vintage rails, the old platform roof, which I represented in 2015, made of used rail produced at the Carnegie Edgar Thomson plant in 1897, was demolished in 2020 due to the relocation of the terminus itself. I don’t know whether it was preserved.

Moreover, a branch line which was shipping out new rails has entirely gone. the Japanese National Railways, later Japan Freight Railway Osaka Harbour Line and its Naniwa Station completed in 1928 was abandoned in 2006, ripped up in 2007, and redeveloped as a warehouse and muni-bus barn. There shows no sign of a shadow today. Once, the new rails brought from a steel mill by ships were stored and transferred to flat cars here.

trains_feb2016.jpeg: Feb. 2016 Trains
naniwa_2007_01.jpg: Naniwa, Osaka, Japan. 2007
気が付いたら、このブログを始めてから10年以上経っている。記事を改めて見直すと、長いようで短い間にも色々と変化があることに気付く。そんな回顧を「Going, Going, Gone」というタイトルでまとめてみた。
タイトルにある「Jointed Tracks」とは、ここでは定尺レールを継目板でつないだ軌条による線路を指す。「Vintage Rails」とは、文字通り古レールを指す。われわれが慣れ親しんできたガタンゴトンというジョイント音を乗車中に連続的に聴くことはほとんどなくなった。その律動が眠りを誘うのだという話もあったが、どうなっただろう。

彼の地で、われわれが乗車してジョイント音を楽しめるのは通常Amtrakの列車になると思うが、その沿線でもロングレール化が進み、今ではSouthwest Chiefの一部区間だけになってしまったようだ。BNSFが所有・管理するコロラド州およびニューメキシコ州の境にあるRaton Passを挟む区間だが、現在この区間を通るのはSouthwest Chiefのみであるため、設備更新されないままになっていた。

そのお陰でJointed TracksやSemaphore(腕木式信号機)、Wigwag(振り子式踏切警報機)が遺り、趣味的には注目されていた。しかし、最近ようやく更新工事が進みだし、バラストや信号機など新しくなっている箇所もいくつか見られる。それでかどうか分からないが、Youtubeにはこの区間を走行するSouthwest Chiefの車窓を映し続ける動画がいくつか挙がっている。もちろんその主題はジョイント音。1本のレールが短いうえに継ぎ目が線路の左右でずれているのでとても賑やかだ。




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